Trouble Down South

Foreign Affairs, 21 November 2016

Photo credit: Presidencia de la República Mexicana

Africa’s petrostates are imploding

Foreign Policy, 4 April 2016

Photo credit: Amnesty International Italia

Improving the Sino-African Relationship

Foreign Affairs, 7 December 2015

Photo credit: GovernmentZA

Oil in Uganda:Hard bargaining and complex politics in East Africa

Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, 26 October 2015

Photo credit: Elvis Fool

Africa’s oil boom goes bust

African Arguments, 24 September 2015

Photo credit: chris bielinski

The scramble for Africa’s oil

Open Democracy, 18 September 2015

Photo credit: Abayomi Azikiwe

Kenya: An African oil upstart in transition

Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, 6 October 2014

Photo credit: Abayomi Azikiwe

Requiem for a Dream?


Petro­leum Econ­o­mist, July/August 2014

Photo credit: UNAMID Photo

No oil on trou­bled waters

The Hindu, 25 March 2014

Photo credit: Jean-Etienne Minh-Duy Poirrier

China, trade, aid and Africa

The Finan­cial Times, 11 March 2014, w/ Zhang Chun

Photo credit: breezy421

South Sudan: fight­ing could crip­ple oil indus­try for decades

African Argu­ments, 10 Jan­u­ary 2014

Photo credit: ENOUGH Project

Cooperating with China in Africa

DIIS Pol­icy Brief, Feb­ru­ary 2012, w/ Daniel Large

Photo credit: Jonathan Kos-Read

Lurk­ing beneath the sur­face: oil, envi­ron­ment degra­da­tion and armed con­flict in Sudan

in Päivi Lujala and Siri Aas Rus­tad (eds.), High-Value Nat­ural Resources and Post-Conflict Peace­build­ing, Lon­don: Earth­scan, 2011

Photo credit: arbyreed

Sudan’s Islamists and the post-oil era: Washington’s role after south­ern suc­ces­sion

Mid­dle East Pol­icy, Vol. 18, No.3, Fall 2011, w/ Harry Verhoeven

Photo credit: aheavens

Oil on Sudan’s trou­bled waters

The Guardian, 23 Novem­ber, 2010, w/ Harry Verhoeven

Photo credit: United Nations Photo

Crude Days Ahead? Oil and the resource curse in Sudan

African Affairs, Vol­ume 109, Num­ber 437, Octo­ber 2010, pp. 617 – 636

Photo credit: United Nations Photo

Against the Asian tide: the Sudan divestment campaign

Jour­nal of Mod­ern African Stud­ies, Vol­ume 47, Issue 4, Decem­ber 2009, pp. 551 – 573

Photo credit: ENOUGH Project

State Rules: oil companies and armed conflict in Sudan

Third World Quar­terly, Vol­ume 28, Issue 5, July 2007, pp. 997‑1016

Photo credit: United Nations Photo

A com­plex real­ity: the strate­gic behav­iour of multi­na­tional oil cor­po­ra­tions and the new wars in Sudan

DIIS Report, The Dan­ish Insti­tute for Inter­na­tional Stud­ies, March 2006

Photo credit: United Nations Photo